HYANNIS, MA—The Arts Foundation of Cape Cod (AFCC) is calling for enthusiastic and committed volunteers to assist with the 33rd annual Citizens Bank Pops by the Sea concert on Sunday, Aug. 12.
The foundation seeks to continue building a fun, collaborative team that’s ready—rain or shine—to help prepare and stage the Cape’s single largest cultural event. A range of jobs are available to volunteers, including grounds set up, parking attendants, gate and line attendants. In thanks for their time and effort, all volunteers will receive a lawn ticket admission pass to the concert, as well as a Pops by the Sea t-shirt and light snacks and refreshments while they work.
Prospective volunteers will be directed to an online application where they can introduce themselves and indicate the jobs that most interest them. After a brief follow-up over the phone with an AFCC employee, roughly 100 volunteers will be asked to join in a volunteer orientation session in August. These sessions will familiarize volunteers with their jobs ahead of the event, and importantly, provide opportunities for them to get to know one another and the AFCC staff.
To sign up visit artsfoundation.org/about/opportunities