Unveiling Our New Brand | Arts Foundation of Cape Cod

We are thrilled to introduce to you our new brand — a fresh, modern look that reflects the Arts Foundation’s ongoing commitment to growth and evolution.

The fluidity of our logo embodies the dynamic nature of the arts, reflecting their continuous ability to adapt to the shifting currents of time and social progress.

The arts are in a constant state of movement, always reaching forward and always reaching higher. With your support, this is what we strive to achieve at the Arts Foundation. And it’s what we proudly believe our new brand identity represents — a steadfast dedication to continuous improvement.

This rebrand is not only about a new look— it’s about celebrating our journey and the incredible community that has stood alongside us, every step of the way.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. With your continued support, the future is bright for the arts on Cape Cod.


Julie Wake, Executive Director